API Docs for:

File: yui3-gallery/src/gallery-array-iterate/js/array-iterate.js

 * Iterate through an array.
 * @module gallery-array-iterate
(function (Y) {
    'use strict';
    var _isFunction = Y.Lang.isFunction,
         * @method iterate
         * @for Array
         * @param {Array} array the array to iterate
         * @param {Number} startIndex (Optional) The first index to iterate.
         * If left undefined, iteration will either start at the beginning of
         * the array if incrementBy is positive or at the end of the array if
         * incrementBy is negative.
         * @param {Number} incrementBy the interval by which the array will be
         * iterated. Must be a non-zero integer. Negative values cause the array
         * to be iterated backwards.
         * @param {Function} iterationFunction the function to call on each
         * iteration. This function will receive three arguments: value, index,
         * and array. If this function returns a truthy value, iteration will be
         * terminated.
         * @param {Object} contextObject (Optional) the context that will become
         * this in the iterationFunction
         * @returns {Boolean} will return true if iteration was terminated
         * early, otherwise it will return false.
         * @static
        iterate = function (array, startIndex, incrementBy, iterationFunction, contextObject) {
            if (_isFunction(incrementBy)) {
                return iterate(array, startIndex < 0 ? array.length - 1 : 0, startIndex, incrementBy, iterationFunction);

            var i = startIndex,
                length = array.length;

            for (; i >= 0 && i < length; i += incrementBy) {
                if (i in array && iterationFunction.call(contextObject, array[i], i, array)) {
                    return true;
            return false;
    Y.Array.iterate = iterate;